sabato 28 febbraio 2015

Day 4 - 28th february

I like this blogging thing. Writing something down everyday is cool and with notebook and pen I never made it, but with the computer I rememeber it and the fact that I can do it also with the phone helps a lot for my lazyness.
Today was full. Work in the morning, lunch with the girl that are coming with me to's going to be an interesting trip. Especially for my ability of tollerating "special" charachters.
Than I went to the "estetista" (I'm lazy, I don't want to search the english word for it. It's the lady that cleans up all your unnecessary hairs on legs, face, ecc.). Three ladies came to clean my was weird, they where weird. It was my first time in a place like this. I like the fact that you're clean after it but that place is not good at all. I have to find some other ladies.

I'll think about it when I come back from the trip.
Too many things to think about.


venerdì 27 febbraio 2015

Day 3 - 27th February

So, third day. I almost forgot to write today. At work I was distracted searching on Google one of the guys that works in the gym where I go since January for some training (I feel so good since then). It's patethic I know but I'm like this, sometimes I like knowing something more about people that I've just met. They invented Internet for this, isn't it? :)

giovedì 26 febbraio 2015

Day 2 - 26th February

It's hard.
My job is lovely but when you work with people that's always spaced out, with their heads jumping through the clouds...sometimes it gets really messy. And they think that they do everything perfectly, you know? I mean maybe my colleague knows that he's not so good and that he does mistakes. But my boss...oh, my boss, he never makes mistakes, he is perfect and divine. (Please read a lot of sarcasm in my last sentence).
I have to try and keep everything under control, but I have so many things going on in my mind, so many things to think about. How am I supposed to be able also to study and pass my exams at the university if I have to babysit my colleagues all the time?
Next week I'm going to Portugal for 8 days..I'm so excited! I hope that this trip will clear a little bit my mind...from work and from university. I think I will keep my mobile just as a gadget...leaving everything outside Portugal...outside Portugal :)


mercoledì 25 febbraio 2015

Day 1 - 25th Ferbruary

I'm a normal girl that is a littlebit crazy. Maybe more than a littlebit, but I'm trying to love myself for what I am. I always loved writing and watching Awkward (MTv) inspired me to start a daily blog.
Also I was getting so bad with my english that I needed to refresh it, I don't know if this will work because nobody will check it and tell me if there are any mistakes. Who cares!
I'm a receptionist in an hotel and I love this job. I lost a lot of time understanding how this works so for this evening I have to get back to work.



I used to write a diary, but apparently having a computer in front of me is much easier than having time to sit down and taking the diary, the pen and all the other stuff. I'm getting a bit lazy.
I simply want to write something will be hard, but I will try. Also just a few words to describe the day. So I will possibly write it in the evening or before going to sleep.
I want to write it also to practice my english. I won't use my real name because I'd like this to be also an escape to my daily complicated life, and also if probably nobody in my life will read this, I'd like to keep it in a shade of mistery.
My invented name/alter ego will be Daisy. I love this name. I'm from Italy (really) and in italian daisy is margherita, a beautiful flower. Simple but  lovely.
Everything that I will write will be real, I'll just change the names and if there will be some fantasy I will specify it before the writing.
